Friday, September 02, 2005

A Teacher's cries

My moody today is like the weather today, dark, cloudy with a little dizzle.

Bad news for me, a guy same batch is getting a promotion to 1a2. Even though everyone will get to 1a2 only a mean of time, but we just got promoted to 1a1 last october. Of course, they can say he does school wide activity, but what a shit hole, he was given the oppotunity run the activity. It is a sign that no matter how much you put in, if a person is not given the oppotunity, there is no chance of proving yourself. MY GOD, what is your will in my life? What is your purpose for putting me in this place? What are the lessons i should learn from this? ABBA FATHER, you said that if your people would humble themselves and pray, you will come from heaven and not turn your face away and heal our land. I am truely humbled, LORD and turn to you to find comfort. I lift my burden to you, LORD.

The "gahmen" (word taken form the Today paper, refering to government) says that they want teachers to have a lighter work load so thay implement TLLM (meaning teach less, learn more). Why are they so sure that teahcers want a lighter work load? Why not try take away EPMS( Enhanced Performance Management System)? Which part of it is enhanced i realy dun see it, except enhanced in the amount of working on it. But that aside, why i suggest EPMS. Because the teacher's yearly ranking is dependent on the amount of work he or she accomplishes. And all the work is recorded in this EPMS, hence, TLLM = less work = lower ranking among the teachers = less (sometimes ever no) performance bonus next march. So why would a teacher want to do less work? By the way, TLLM or classroom teaching is considered normal duties, which warrants only a 'D' grade, meaning teacher only does what is expected, 'normal', so no performance bonus, but got a report to explain why teacher only get 'D' and what teacher plan to do next year to achieve a 'C'.

Secondly, in order to teach less, we cannot use the existing workbooks coz not student-centered. so poor teacher has to find resources, plan activity(or activities), create new worksheets before the lesson. And during the lesson, teacher has to split pupils to groups, give specific instructions(or else pupils will go around like headless chicken and nothing is accomplished), set timings for each activity. After all the running around activity, teacher has to gather the pupils, lead them back to the theory to conclude the lesson. This is not inclusive of the normal duty of marking ALL the worksheets. Or else parents complain that thay have no confidence in the teacher to help their children do well for the exams, because no homework. Ever wonder if any teacher complain that thay have no confidence in the parents because parents bring up children who cannot think for nuts, dun want to do homework to school so that teachers can teach them. Hence, TLLM not = less work, but 2 X work.


Blogger Inspirational thoughts said...

I am sure time will tell why we do not get what we think we should get. Keep on having the faith and press on!

6:35 PM  
Blogger two057 said...

thanks for the comments. I guess I forgot to define the scope of work, which led to the little point of disagreement. :) I too feel that we can outsource CCA, marking attendance, doing the silly SEM, EWSS, WITS and any other stuff with short forms. I totally agree that we really need more time to connect with our pupils (they say that is what the CCA is for) and want to have stimulating lesson.

At the same time, it results in more time for self, more time for family, boyfriend, girlfriend, children and GOD.

thanks again. i am encouraged that i am not alone in the battle.

12:00 AM  

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