Thursday, November 17, 2005

Is Education on the right track? Or into a wall?

Overheard (actually from a friend)

Teacher A released exam papers to the pupils and has gone through the answers, there was no feedback from any pupils that there is marking errors. However, the next day, pupil B came running to her that there is a mistake in the marking, saying that the teacher has missed out marking the answer. When Teacher A look at the question, beside the original cross was the model answer prefectly written neatly. Teacher A took the paper to the marker (in case, you do not know, sometimes the marker of the paper can be a teacher of another class.) The marker said that he cannot have missed the answer as there is no other feedback in marking error. Hence, pupil B was denied 2 marks. (In this situation, I will also suspect that either the pupil or the parents wrote the model answer.)

The next day, the parents of pupil B complained to the principle. Worse, instead of investigating the case, the principle gave the pupil 2 marks and repremanded Teacher A that she should not doubt the pupil.

As educators, what are we trying to teach in this situation?
a) Parents are always right?????
b) Pupils are always right?????
c) Teachers are always wrong??????
d) What happens if the principle rejects the complain and the parents goes to M.O.E.?

Disappointed? Yes. What kind of messenge are we educators trying to bring across? Pupil will learn that she can get away with anything as long as the parents complain. Worse, the principle din even investigate with Teacher A and marker before giving the 2 marks. Sad for the teachers, because principle scared of parents. (During my youthful days, I would have told to the principle to go fly kite and I will quit right there because I have no respect and will not work for a person with shit character.)

During the army days, we are taught to also earn the respect of our men because in time war, we depend on them to fight and the men have to trust us with their life. Leaders, they dun like, may get shot by friendly fire. Do we have the kind of leaders in the school that we are willing to go all the way for? and will fight for us (with us) in difficult times? We can only let the future reveal to us the kind of people we have educated today, for good or bad, only our Father in heaven knows.


Blogger louist said...


2:23 AM  
Blogger リム シャーンテイーン said...

*Sigh* I think this is how it works nowadays

11:37 PM  
Blogger llch01 said...

I once had a colleague who had the same situation as you. But she was smarter than the pupil. Knowing this pupil(how dishonest he was), she had photocopied the answer script before giving back. So when the pupil came back to claim for marks, she had proof to discipline the pupil for dishonesty.

4:54 PM  

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