Saturday, October 15, 2005

To Stress Or Not To Stress?? That Is The Question.

It is interesting to read in the MOE forum about all the teachers feeling stress, tired and burnoutand data like 5 out 10 patients in IMH are teachers with anxiety disorder. But none has actually question the system in place. As a teacher, I am not bother about teaching and marking and CCA. It is not really that tough. What is stressful is the EPMS and ranking? Why stress? B'coz just doing teaching, marking and CCA will rank me a 'D' grade only, just performing my duties. Hence, some teachers go their way out to do "additional" jobs like organising cluster sharing (total waste of time as some speakers are unprepared and no proven results or evidences).:angry:

I think all this bull shit should be cut away like an unwanted piece of tumor.:D: Be'coz the primary purpose of joining teaching is to teaching and the love of teaching keeps us going. i have questioned myself: Does all this additional jobs contribute to improvements in pupils grades? if not, don't do. It is a waste of time. Be practical.:DY:

On the same note, pupils (colleagues too) asked me why I am so cheerful everyday. First, becasue I have GOD, father in heaven, His perfect will for my life, nothing will bother me unless He allows it to happen. Second, I choose to be happy. By staying happy, it keeps me positive, so pressimistic thoughts will not come in. There is alot of negative "energy"in the environment, where teachers gets scolded for nothing, no or lack classroom management. Third, it is no big deal, the most I quit. With a degree, a willing to try, good attitude and my talents, it will take me farther then I can possibly imagine, unlike some of the old croaks up there, who think teaching is everything in their life, because they will not be able to survive outside if they leave the service. No wonder, people outside still do not consider teachers as a professionals. *sigh.


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