Thursday, October 13, 2005

Breathe Easy

After spending days and nights marking exam scripts, I am physically and mentally exhausted, can sure use a holiday. Sometimes I really cannot understand the crap shit that some students have produce in their script. Obviously they have not prepared for the exam by reading the answers they gave. Shit! Reading all that rubbish gives me a headache and eye bags and not forgetting nightmares and sleepless nights. The marking load for this exam is very high, took me seven days to finish.

Just few pointers to what teachers look for when marking a script.
a) correct answer - obvious. Answer the question and not talk about some grandfather story. So pupils need to know their facts well.

b) details - for example in D&T, details like sawing with scroll saw or mark out with pencil or sand with wet and dry paper and not just write "sand".

c) if possible draw the diagram to illustrate. Two reasons - help pupils to explain their answer second, marker will know that you know your stuff, so translate to more marks.

d) complete answer - meaning when asking about safety, state the answer and the reasoning behind it.

In conclusion, teachers are not monsters. we want to give pupils full marks, but provided pupils are able to produce good answers and know the stuff well.

To all teachers marking scripts now, carpe diem.


Blogger two057 said...

Thanks you trisha, at least I know I am not alone. Due to loss of too much blood from vomit, I have to go for my transfusion now, see you around.

11:05 AM  

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