Thursday, October 06, 2005

to MC or not to MC? that is the question.

This is the period of crazy rush. rush to finish syllabus, rush to revise for exams, rush to conduct examinations, rush to mark papers (imagine 100 scripts in two to three afternoon), rush to check papers, rush to key in results and rush to print report cards. All in the confines of four weeks, no wonder teachers must have eight hands, three pairs of eyes and four legs.

Why eight hands?
A pair of hands to set examination questions, one pair of hands to set worksheets, another pair of hand s to hold a cup of coffee and sandwich (meals) and the last pair of hands to mark workbooks.

Why three pairs of eyes?
A pair of eyes to see what I am writting on the board, one pair of eyes to make sure the pupils are copying the answer and not fighting and the last pairs of eyes to keep an eye if another principal, VP or HOD walks past, keeping me on the toes.

Why four legs?
With the amount of walking (or running) around the school and up and down the different floors of the school, the extra pair of legs comes in when the first pair is tired. No wonder, I have artheritis in my both knees. The extra pair of legs may help to move faster too as teachers are always running all over. The SAAA should consider senting their runners to be teachers, it will certainly help them in their training.

On top of that, I am recovering from flu for the past two days, physically and mentally tired. *sigh. Got to get back to my marking before my butt catch fire.


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