Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sya Sorry and mean it

Taken from "TODAY" 22 FEb 2006

Wow! What a powerful message! How many times we have said sorry when we did not mean it from our heart? Since when did the word "sorry" has became a casual phrase, that it is like passing motion or waste from our body. From my obseravation of my son, passing out waste is so natural. No one taught him how to do it, but he has been do that from birth. HAHAHA!.

In the article, there is a situation where students have to apologise to the author and when asked if they mean it, the students have to cheek to say "NO." Thinking back, it is also the same for me in the classroom. My students are asked to keep quiet in order to facilitate learning and they just casually say:" sorry, sorry." as if it is natural reflex and then continue with their conversation. It really frustrates me. If the future of Singapore is like this, I think I got to reconsider my options. I dun need to take this shit. No wonder, the bible is full of words of wisedom.

I paraphrase because I could not find the verse. ( Anyone find the verse please let me know so that I can update. Thanks

"Food that enter our mouth is neither good nor bad, but words that come out of our mouth comes from the mouth."

"Let your yes be yes and your no be no, any other things come from the devil himself."

I pray that I can hold my tongue, be firm with what I say and GOD will put the right word in my mouth. With this tongue, we can build up the students (with encouragements) or destroy them. Teachers have such a powerful weapon.

2nd situation in the article
"There are others who expect their "sorry" to be accepted on the spot all the time - as if it is their right." The author questioned: " Can I slap you, say sorry and expect you to forgive and forget?"

I guess it also boils down to sincerity, how to treat a friend. If my friend hits me everytime I see him, I will not go out with him after some time. I know as a christian, we are to forgive adn forget and yes, we are able to do that, but I will keep away, true? Nevertheless, I also observed how pupils treat their friends and each other. Being in a school environment can be really interesting in observing human behaviour. You have classmates teasing someone, who tends to be a little nerdy, even though they are secondary 5, between 17 to 19 years old, but still thinks like a child and acts like a child. They act and think as if the world own them a living. The world is bigger than what they think. Grow up!

I have learned from this article to teach the pupils well and remind them to treat other with sincerity and repect and always to speak in love.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Prew! Blood, Sweat and Foam in the Mouth

My gooh!!!!! 3 weeks have passed since the last blog. Time flies. It fly even faster when we are rushing all over the place with endless deadlines to meet. This is week 7 and in 2 weeks time, it will be common tests and term reports and then the long awaited 1 week break, which i guess will be used on my track team and my graduating classes. Taking stock of the situtation, this secondary four batch is my first batch i see from the time they were secondary pupils, fresh from primary school and I have just graduated from NIE. And few i have close encounters with during Track training, through the thick and thin of tough training and growing the track till today, we are a credible track team, with 2 finalists last year (Mind you, it is without a coach and I am not PE trained. :D)

And in few months, I have to let them go (graduate) to the world. *Sound of hearts break n sniff sniff* I do not think i am such a sentimental person. :D Just really hope they do well and above their expectations, best if all can achieve 100% distinction :P Is it too much to ask for?