Friday, October 28, 2005

Jail or Fine For Bus Fare Cheat

First, I want to say that cheating is wrong, just like cheating in exams. Because i do not want to send out the wrong messenge that i support the fare cheats. As a teacher, what kind of messenge am I sending to my pupils encouraging them to cheat?

However, we should take a step back to consider the situation.
i) The bus operators are saying that they are losing money to the fare cheats. Some articles say $9million a year and other say $9million a month.
ii) Despite the loss, the bus operators declare profits before tax in their annual report.
iii) Due to rising cost, the bus operators have to rise the fare price to cover the cost.

All this are brief extracts from the newspaper. It seems a 'little' confused. Either the papers are lying or the bus operators are lying or both are lying.

Situation 1: (i) & (ii) are true
If (i) is true, then the company accounts should be greatly affected but the bus operators continue to profit. Hence, it shows that the fare is too much. If the fare is fair and reasonable, the number of fare cheats should decrease. However, the bus operators are public-listed companies, they have a duty towards the shareholders to profit so that they can pay out better dividends to the shareholders, resulting in better share prices. So consumers like myself gets ripped off.

Situation 2: (ii) & (iii) are true
I have always disagreed with the bus operators raising fare, because it adds more burden to my pocket. But beside that, I do not see the valid reason why they should raise fare, because rising bus fare could be due to their inefficient usage of resources, leading to wastage. So why should comsumers pay for their incompetency. Bus operators have a social responsibilty to provide value for money transportation and service, just by raising bus fare to maintain their profits is low-down. They could improve their company image by not raising fare, out of good will to the public, and lower their profits.

Situation 3: (i) & (iii) are true
If both are true, then the majority of the consumers are paying for the fare cheats. Of course! It is not fair and with the rising cost, the same majority still paying. Hence, the fare cheats should pay double or triple the fare, rather then contribute to the government coffer. when easylink was to replace translink, it claim to reduce fare cheats, it seems like it is not working. I suggest the system should be changed to a gate-like entrance like the MRT. So bus consumers have to tap their easylink before the gates open to allow the person to board. Hence, in order to tackle the fare cheats, the bus operators should think of improving thier system, instead of taking the easy way out by pushing the blame to the consumers and raising fares.

We have our consumer rights too.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

o2 IIi at last!!!

It is late so I got to keep this really short. :)

At last, today I finally got my O2 xda 2i after thinking and salivating for six months, not forgetting to count my money. Unfortunately(or fortunately), my old palm m100 finally died (and di-commissioned) after 4 years of faithful service. If the m100 did not died, I will not be able to convince my wife to get this pda phone. prew!

I will be playing with it for sometime and will blog the review soon, once i get the hang of the complicated window os that comes with it. Basically, I must know how to make a phone call first. HAhaha.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Killers in office

Before getting into the topic, I want to thank trisha for the comments, really appreciate that someone actually reads what I thinks (my wife thinks it is crap) and one more thing, english teacher, please dun mark me for my grammer and tenses. :P (hahaha, but correct me if needed). After reading her blog about private sector, it gave me some thoughts about office politics in teaching and have discussed with some colleagues and came to an agreement. There are basically three types of killers among the teaching staff.

1st: Ninja
The ninja hides in the shadow, waiting for oppotunity to strike, kind of like a cheetah hunting for its prey. Then it will sudden come out and strike a heavy blow that will knock the victim out and disappear. Examples are those who make little reports to the supervisors like so-so said this about the supervisor or this teacher's class very noise, no classroom management. Beware! Like real ninja, they have other different methods of striking.

2nd: Assassin
Hunting method is similar to ninja, differ in the killing method. Assassin will prowl in from the back of the victim silently and stab hard at the back of the victim. Sometimes, assassin may choose to cover the mouth of victim before silting the throat to silence the victim. Also nicknamed backstabber. Example: Teacher A and Teacher B co-teach in the same class, however, Teacher A reports to the supervisor that he did alot of work for the class when in fact, it is Teacher B who did most of the work, all done without the knowing of Teacher B.

3rd: Murderer
The killing method of murderer is much simpler, reflecting the lack of intelligences of the murderer. There is less planning involved and less prowling and hunting. The murderer will move in from the front of the victim, draws the weapon and stab right into the vitals of the vicitm. Victim can see the heartless eyes of the murderer before losing breathe. Example of this will be the person may mention something unkind over what you have said in the past, all in the presence of a H.O.D. or some supervisor.

I guess these killers are found everywhere else too. There is nothing much we can do to defend ourselves, except by praying for GOD' protection around us, and keep us from falling into the sin of killing others. Amen.

Sorry, must side-track a little. Time are getting better and more relax after the exam and marking and marks calculation period. Like the rest of the teachers, we are all preparing to go into the holiday break in two weeks time. YAHOO! Actually, three weeks of 'O' levels invigilation first, then holiday. CARPE DIEM

Saturday, October 15, 2005

To Stress Or Not To Stress?? That Is The Question.

It is interesting to read in the MOE forum about all the teachers feeling stress, tired and burnoutand data like 5 out 10 patients in IMH are teachers with anxiety disorder. But none has actually question the system in place. As a teacher, I am not bother about teaching and marking and CCA. It is not really that tough. What is stressful is the EPMS and ranking? Why stress? B'coz just doing teaching, marking and CCA will rank me a 'D' grade only, just performing my duties. Hence, some teachers go their way out to do "additional" jobs like organising cluster sharing (total waste of time as some speakers are unprepared and no proven results or evidences).:angry:

I think all this bull shit should be cut away like an unwanted piece of tumor.:D: Be'coz the primary purpose of joining teaching is to teaching and the love of teaching keeps us going. i have questioned myself: Does all this additional jobs contribute to improvements in pupils grades? if not, don't do. It is a waste of time. Be practical.:DY:

On the same note, pupils (colleagues too) asked me why I am so cheerful everyday. First, becasue I have GOD, father in heaven, His perfect will for my life, nothing will bother me unless He allows it to happen. Second, I choose to be happy. By staying happy, it keeps me positive, so pressimistic thoughts will not come in. There is alot of negative "energy"in the environment, where teachers gets scolded for nothing, no or lack classroom management. Third, it is no big deal, the most I quit. With a degree, a willing to try, good attitude and my talents, it will take me farther then I can possibly imagine, unlike some of the old croaks up there, who think teaching is everything in their life, because they will not be able to survive outside if they leave the service. No wonder, people outside still do not consider teachers as a professionals. *sigh.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Good Times Ahead

Just read the Today papers (13/10/2005), an article "Hey boss, you read this?" yesterday caught my eye. It says that companies here face high turnover, staff poaching problems and higher pay expectation. Sounds good. It seems like good oppotunity and timing to leave teaching to go private sector, where talented people are truely appreciated. The article also stated the reasons why people leave the company: Limited career progression (18%), personal reason (16%) and being unhappy with pay and bonus (11%).

The people on top have not realised that times have changed, job hopping is fine and according to the article, everytime a person job hop, he gets up to 20% increase in pay. Employers have to position themselves as "an employer of the choice", appreciate and reward good people, but.......sigh. Anyone up there reading this!!! I want a promotion and a pay raise!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Breathe Easy

After spending days and nights marking exam scripts, I am physically and mentally exhausted, can sure use a holiday. Sometimes I really cannot understand the crap shit that some students have produce in their script. Obviously they have not prepared for the exam by reading the answers they gave. Shit! Reading all that rubbish gives me a headache and eye bags and not forgetting nightmares and sleepless nights. The marking load for this exam is very high, took me seven days to finish.

Just few pointers to what teachers look for when marking a script.
a) correct answer - obvious. Answer the question and not talk about some grandfather story. So pupils need to know their facts well.

b) details - for example in D&T, details like sawing with scroll saw or mark out with pencil or sand with wet and dry paper and not just write "sand".

c) if possible draw the diagram to illustrate. Two reasons - help pupils to explain their answer second, marker will know that you know your stuff, so translate to more marks.

d) complete answer - meaning when asking about safety, state the answer and the reasoning behind it.

In conclusion, teachers are not monsters. we want to give pupils full marks, but provided pupils are able to produce good answers and know the stuff well.

To all teachers marking scripts now, carpe diem.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

to MC or not to MC? that is the question.

This is the period of crazy rush. rush to finish syllabus, rush to revise for exams, rush to conduct examinations, rush to mark papers (imagine 100 scripts in two to three afternoon), rush to check papers, rush to key in results and rush to print report cards. All in the confines of four weeks, no wonder teachers must have eight hands, three pairs of eyes and four legs.

Why eight hands?
A pair of hands to set examination questions, one pair of hands to set worksheets, another pair of hand s to hold a cup of coffee and sandwich (meals) and the last pair of hands to mark workbooks.

Why three pairs of eyes?
A pair of eyes to see what I am writting on the board, one pair of eyes to make sure the pupils are copying the answer and not fighting and the last pairs of eyes to keep an eye if another principal, VP or HOD walks past, keeping me on the toes.

Why four legs?
With the amount of walking (or running) around the school and up and down the different floors of the school, the extra pair of legs comes in when the first pair is tired. No wonder, I have artheritis in my both knees. The extra pair of legs may help to move faster too as teachers are always running all over. The SAAA should consider senting their runners to be teachers, it will certainly help them in their training.

On top of that, I am recovering from flu for the past two days, physically and mentally tired. *sigh. Got to get back to my marking before my butt catch fire.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Joshua and Israel

It is interesting that for the last few day, I kept hearing about Joshua in cell group, church and in the blog of a friend. From a simple story of the fall of Jericho to Ai fall, there are few things we can learn from Joshua (Joshua 5:13 to 7).

First, OBEDIENCE. In Joshua 6, GOD gave Joshua the strategy to defeat Jericho, asking him to march around the city once with his army and do it for six days. On the seventh day, march with the priests carrying the ark of the covenent and trumpets around the sity for seven times and after the seventh round, give a long blast and the wall of Jericho will collapse. Can you imagine if Joshua did not follow the instructions of GOD, even if the strategy sounded so ridiculous? Any military person will tell you that it is not possible to take a city like this especially Jericho has tall stone walls. But GOD require our pure obedience to seek His counsel and follow it.

Second, SIN. the Israelites completely destroyed Jericho and every living thing in it as stated in the Bible, however, GOD instructed that they are keep away from devoted things, or any silver and gold and the articles of bronzes and iron as these are scared to GOD and must go into His treasury. Jericho was the first city they destroy after Israel crossed the Jordan river, so they are not to plunder the city as the things in Jericho are considered the first fruit to GOD. The truth came out only when Israel went up against Ai and lost thirty-six men. It was the sin of Achan and some men, who have taken silver and devoted things (I believe they are idols) from Jericho, that had caused the defeat. Because sin was in the camp, so the people of Israel could not defeat Ai and moved on. In conclusion, sin in the camp affects not only the sinner, but everyone in the church; in bigger perspective, the body of Christ, every christian.

Third, LEADERSHIP. Moses trained Joshua to be the leader of Israel and before Moses died, he laid hands on Joshua and Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisedom and it is written that the Lord known Joshua face to face. Dr Brain Bailey mentioned in church that the training of leadership in the church must be continuous because after Joshua died, the conquest of the land that GOD promised is incomplete till King David and lack of leadership has brought confusion. It is interesting that he pointed out that Joshua has seen Jesus in Joshua 5:13-15, where Joshua called the man "my Lord", who is the commander of the Lord's army. He told Joshua to take off his sandals, for the place where he stands is holy. Dr Brain Bailey also pointed out that we should always seek the direction of GOD as Joshua did not enquire of GOD whether GOD will deliver Ai into their hands before Israel carried out the attack. Hence, as a leader, we should always enquire of the perfect will (strategy) of GOD before making any decisions.

Wow! What a powerful messenge! I pray that I will straighten my life and seeking GOD's perfect will in my life. Amen.