truly as it is a truly unforgettable Destinction.
We have crossed the immigation and walked to the vat counter to claim tax refund, unable to do so because the custom check office is outside, tourist supposed allow them to check before passing the immigation then to the vat refund counter to claim the money
01 officer at the vat refund is unhelpfu cannot means cannot. No or not possible is not a reasonable answer for those in the service industry
02 immigation officer cannot help too. Too slack and just indifference to your situation and just busy with their own work while chatting with their fellow colleagues
03 no custom officer at the custom counter after the immigation no wonder it is interesting that on the counter someone wrote VAT refundi is cheating tourist dollars.
04 the relationship officer in blue shirt is helpless, unable to help, not because of lack of ability to help but because they do not understand a single drop of english that i need the stamp and they just direct me to the vat refund counter. They do not understand the problem and just direct me away towards the vat refund counter thinking their job is done what is the point of having so many of them lining the airport when they do not take time to listen and understand the problem.
05 why is the custom check office and the refund not at the same spotThey can have it together and one office outside immigation and one office inside immigation
06 why are custom officers and immigation officer two separated departments or entities by themselves? So that there is avenue for job creation what a way to solve unemployment problems so the custom officers will check goods and the immigation will check people
07 why do they have to place the vat refund counters so far on the two ends? They want to make it inconvenient for us to get our refund the counter should be placed right after immigation so that tourist can use the money immidiately at the airport instead of using it at the ends. Be more proactive to refund wil leave a better impression of the country
08 there are no prominent signboards to remind tourists to go to the customs office before entering immigation. Even though it may be necessary to remind tourists to go to the custom office but it will be nice
09 can you imagine the amount of tax people leave behind? 7% of 5000b is 350b and minus 100b for the admin charges that is at least 250b taking a conservative estimation of 100 people daily forgetting they would have easily leave behind 25,000b a day 9,125,000b a year
After my flight back, thinking how horrible the Suvarnbhumi Airport, I get to see our CAAS staff being rude to 2 black men travelling to London, telling them off that the gate will only open at 2am when it is only 12:15am now. The two men asked if they sit outside, the CASS staff continue to tell them that the gate will only open at 2am. The same situation of not listening and addressing the concerns of the customers just wanting to brushing them off. Then our Changi Airport will fall into the same cycle of complacency that we will forever be number 1.
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