Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Please dun legalise Homosexuality by removing Penal Code 377a

Homosexuality debate - we are being raped here

Please, people who are against it please raise up and stand against it. I am not only talking to the Christians only, this will affect every single pores of our country. Just look at the so call Land of Freedom (America). Do you know that a person can be put into jail (church burned and people beaten up) just by saying that homosexuality is a sin??? How free can you be when you cannot say what you want??

The word 'gay' has been raped. In the past, gay used to mean happy, light-hearted, but now..... I will not want to be associate with the word.

The homosexuals are attempting to deceive us that adultery is also wrong but not criminlise, so why should homosexuality be criminalise?? Yvonne Lim has written in the Straits Times few weeks back and has put it across in a very nice manner. At least the adulterers know that they are in the wrong and not push to legalise adultery, but homosexuality is different. homosexuals do not think that their act is wrong and even attempt to legalise it.

The homosexuals have an homosexual agenda to push forward, to destroy family values. There are many websites talking about, I just highlight two that may offer some understanding: Wiki and straight-talk. The steps are:

1. Decriminalise homosexuality,
2. Equalise the age of consent,
3. Anit-discrimination legislation e.g. equality in sex education requiring the teaching of
anal sex to young school children,
4. Same sex marriage or civil union
5. Homosexual parenthood.

This is not a legacy that I want to leave for my children and my children's children. Please understand that I do not hate the sinners (homosexuals) but I hate the sin.

My heart is griefed after reading some posting on the feedback unit forum where there is a gay christian (who is proud to be gay) - please learn the Word of GOD and repent. Even though I do not have the right to judge (for the measure that we pass our judgement, in the Last Days, we are also measure by the same measurement & Jesus said let he without sin cast the first stone), I need to advise you to repent and turn from your wick ways for it is recorded in the bible (the bible that you believe,, unless you do not believe what you believe) that adulterers, murderers, homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of GOD.

There is no hyper grace message and it is not once saved always saved. Thoughout the bible, there are many incidents of GOD sending plagues, wars to wipe out his own people, the Isrealites, people who worship the golden calf, people who complain and wished that they had not left Egypt and, of course, the two classic cities: Sodom and Gomorrah. (The two cities found) The two cities, which are known for their wickedness and homosexuals. The bible story of how two (beautiful) angels entered the house of Lot, they attracted many men, both young and old, who wanted to lie (have sex) with the angels. Even when Lot offered his two daughters, the men will not compromised. Later as we know the cities were totally destroyed by fire from the Heavens. GOD sent the ten plagues on Egypt, not only to release his people, but also to punish Egypt for the sin of the shedding of innocent blood. Incident of the Pharaoh ordered the killing of baby sons aged two and below and the Israelites oppressed and enslaved with many privileges taken away.

Our nation does not need to pursue the pink dollars (as coined by the newspapers) and neither are all creative people gay. Just had this thought: why are we modelling ourselves after a nation of few hundred years history (America) when there are nations of few thousand years of history (China)??? There must be a reason why some nations (civilsations) can endure the test of time, while some are destroyed, like Babylonians (present Iraq), Persian (present Iran), Greeks, Romans Empire, Soviet Union (separated), British (Remember the sun will never set on the Union Jack), civallisations in the Central America where the people are no longer and cannot be found and the largest Empire in History: the Mongolian Genghis Khan, whose Empire stretches to large parts of modern day China, Mongolia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, South Korea, North Korea, and Kuwait. Today, it is only a small piece of China.

1corinthians 1:10
[Divisions in the Church] I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.


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