The virtue of waiting & waiting & waiting.........patience
Have you reached a point in life that you feel that you have just about waited for everything???
From birth, you waited in the womb of your mother to give birth to you. As a young, you are wait to learn to walk, talk and waiting to outgrow the ridiculous clothes that people try to fit you into. As a teen, you wait for the beautiful woman or handsome man to "sweep" your feet (to find him or her to be a jerk), for the first time holding hands and first time kiss, then the first degree, first car, first house.(first wife???? just kidding....)
Now, having been there and done that, I still find myself waiting.
1) Waiting to book my first car.
It is interesting that buying a new car is not as easy as it seems. Praise God for wisdom, I manage to book the toyota vios (off-peak) at $28k. It is quite a bargain. Borneo Motors is selling cheap since the new vios is already on the way. There are many times that I could have made a book for a car, but I waited...... and waited..... and waited. Till GOd say YES.
2) Waiting for the Certificate of Entitlement (COE)
In Singapore, having money does not mean that you get your car immediately. I still have to wait for the bidding of the COE. The first two bids for the month of March is about $12k plus, so I did not get the COE, wait again. The last round in April, Borneo Motor did not bid for me. (What an ASS!!!), but the bid went up to $14k. Oops, it looks difficult to get my COE now. Hmm.....The next round of bidding starts today and will end this wednesday. I feel that God is asking me to wait for the best deal that He will give me. But the flesh me wants to send fire from heaven on Borneo Motor if I do not get my COE this wednesday(18/04/2007). ARGH!!!!
3) Just attended another job interview, this time it is with Cornerstone Wine (the old Hock Tong Bee). I am still waiting for a reply from them, but I feel it is not too hopeful. They are the biddest distributor of wine and spirit in Singapore and they have expanded oversea. This is the most professional interview that I have ever been to. A personality test was conducted and a whole series of questions was asked. Prew......
4) Just an update from number two, I have got the COE and now still waiting for the collection of the car. It seems like a LONG process. Hmm..... Five days have passed then they ask me for the cheques and have to wait some more for the road tax. I have made abit of noise to collect my car before labour day. My colleague collected his Hyundai Avante one and a half weeks after getting the COE.
It seems ridiculous that they know that they need the two cheques (insurance and first installment) to start the process of collection, but it took Burneo Motors four days to get down to asking from me. Their reason was they needed to wait for the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to issue the COE. But is it not common sense (or foresight) to ask your customers to prepare the money beforehand or at least once the COE is in, they can immediately bank in the cheques to get their money????? Then their reason was some customers prefer not to leave money or cheques with them. COME ON, Burneo Motor did not even ask me, how do they know that I do not wish to leave the cheques with them??? I can always post date the cheques so they cannot bank in the cheque till after a certain date.
My problem with Burneo Motor is they never ask. I do not expect high level of customer service, but they just do things as per NORMAL. Is normal good enough?? Or is it that the sales volume is too high that they do not have to worry about customer service??? (From the newspapers, toyota top the annual car sales with 2100 cars and the second is like in the hundreds.) It makes all that talk about customer service sound quite crappy. PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE .My heart is screaming but my spirit man at peace.
At the end of the day, it is GOD's will.
waiting upon GOD,
Have faith to wait and believe that GOD will provide the open door and for the right timing.
And bearing the fruit of the Spirit: Patience, Patience, Patience.
As it is written in the bible, ALL (as in ALL, everything) things work for the glory of GOD and in His timing, He will bless us and He will test us, but never beyond what we can take? Praise GOd for obstacles in our life.
This week everything seems to be going well, very well. It felt as if GOd chose this week to bless me so mightly that everything fall in place. I have gotten the COE for the new car, gotten some new tutition assesments and thankful that the extra income will come in handy to pay for the car. In GOD's timing, He is our provider and always provide enough. Pray that He will provide abundantly, according to a book (the relvalation of heaven), in heaven, there are big warehouses of blessings that GOD wants to give to us, but we never ask for it. I will love to have more annointing too. :)
Not forgetting the pay increase and the addition bonus.
My heart is abit disheartened today. A pupil was suspended indefinitely. if the pupil acts gangsterly, is it not the duty of educators and teachers to work with him to put him back on the right path of righteousness???
As for the pupil (blog), I think that blogging in vuglarities is not right and all that names calling. I do not know what has happened, but it is how we response to the situation that makes us a man and by responsing in the right manner, people will respect you but in this case, it only shows that you are no better or even proving that the principle and teachers were right in their decision (or judgement).
And sometimes it may just a word of sorry to solve all the problem, but the human flesh (pride, anger) always stands in the way. I am not saying who is right or wrong, but one side has to say sorry and the princple and teachers will not do it so the word has to come from the pupil.
Humble yourself. And when you can do that, I will respect you.
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