First welcome back to myself after going missing for days, and I mean weeks, being really busy with school, CCA, pupils, 'O' & 'N' levels (as if I am the one taking the exams.) and marking (Eeeee, leaves a bad taste in the mouth).
What really frightens me about the Singapore community is the continuous murders in the papers. What is happening to our society???? Have we reached the decline of our society???
First, we have the murder of Huang Na,young girl murdered in cold blood, then we have a man shot five times at point blank and over the weekend, we have a stepfather murdering his step daugther. I fear for our country, have we became a proud nation, thinking that there is no GOD?
There are many incidents in the Bible and history, where moral decay and the decline of the society leads to the down fall of the country or empire, sin and immorality is so rampant that GOD destoryed the whole city.
We talk about the bible first.
In Genesis, Sodom and Gomorrah, where homosexuality is so terrible that men are banging at Lot's door to have sex with the two angels, that even Lot offered his two daughters in place of the two angels, but they refused and insisted to have the angels. In the end, GOD came down and destroyed the whole city, only Lot and his family, except the wife who looked back, then turned into a pillar of salt. (God instructed Lot and his family not to look back, so result of disobedience is death.)
Same in Gensis, during the days of Noah (when we get Noah's ark), sin (immorality) is rampant and only Noah know the heart of God and built the ark, despite the mocking of other people. In the end, GOD sent the rain and flooded the land and only 8 people survived with the pairs of animals.
Throughout the bible, there are many times when Israelites turn away from GOD and punishments fell on them.
1) A whole generation is lost in the wildness, when they could not believe that GOD will deliver the giants in the land to them. (disbelieve in God is a sin.)
2) Israel bow to other gods and GOD allowed the Babylonians to take them as slaves for 70 years.
3) During the invasion on Jericho, the Israelites were instructed not to plunder or covert or take anything from the city as first fruits to GOD, some Israelites took some gold and silver for themselves(disobey the instructions of GOD) and the next battle was lost.
In history, Rome was a great empire that stretches from England to Middle East. But with success came human pride and they started to have immorality like casual sex, homosexuality gradiators, social decay came in and the Rome empire fell to now Italy. It is also the same for the Greeks, Alexander the Great is suggested to have homosexual too.
GOD blessed Spain(GOD fearing nation in the past) to bring the word to the world, even in Asia, some countries used to be Spainish colonies. Same goes for British and then United States(US). US has allowed porn, homosexuality, brute murders, grambling(Las Vegas) into their society that they do not sent out as much missionaries as in the past.
GOD has said,
9Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,
10Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
Have our Singapore gone down the same road as the United States? you decide for yourself. In recent years, news of adulterers surfaced, remember Constance, air stewardess and a rag and bone man, then brute murders and allowing Casinos to open and soft porn magzines like FHM, STUFF, MAXIM to be sold in Singapore and T.V. series like desperate housewives(also sex and the city) that does not teach the right moral standards to our young child, even some of the taiwanese programmes do not teach the right moral standards. Prime time programmes on Sunday show scantily dressed women dancing or "performing" in front of old breaded man who droop over them. And ridiculous things like gays fight for their rights to have their gay party.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is not a worse time than this to rise up and pray for our country for what is right and just in the eyes of GOD. GOD has blessed our country richly to bring the Gospel to the nations. Shalom
Some points that I have forgotten to add:1) The "TODAY" paper has also brought to my remembrance about the Nanyang Poly sex video, morality????
2) Many dynasties in China came up because of the righteous king or ruler, but the end of dynasties is always because of unrighteous king who has many corrupted officals and people are suffering, till someone righteous and GOD fearing rises up to overturn the unrighteous king.