Rejected letter by TODAY. Hiaz!!!
Below is the message i emailed to TODAY, in reply to the article"Play's the thing"
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your contribution to our VOICES section, but I'm afraid we aren't able to use your letter.
Please however continue to send your views to TODAY. We try to use as many letters as possible, space permitting.
Once again, thank you for your interest in TODAY.
Best Regards,
Subject: the play's the thing
as a educator, I believe the things parents mention about teachers being draconian is unfair and not right. The new batches of teachers believe that classroom environment can be fun and interesting and of course, a bit of noise is harmless.
However, what the parents do not see is the ranking system of the teacher(EPMS). One of the critieria is the ability to manage a class or termed classroom management. To some superviors, a teacher's ability to manage a class is relative to the amount of noise that comes out from a class, resulting in a 'D' ranking.Considering the teacher's family commitment, he or she has no choice but choose to be hard handed at times.
Secondly, classroom management is the basis for learning. If the class (many times it is 40 pupils) is noisy, the teacher cannot transmit important points for learning. But of course a bit noise is acceptable in group activities or certain activities but when the teacher need to highlight important points, quietness is appreciated. looking at the other point of view,the best curriculum and physical environment are rendered ineffective if the message (the important points of lesson) cannot be effective transmitted to the pupils if they are more busy talking to their fellow classmates.
Other than classroom management creating a condusive environment for learning, the pupils well being is important. How can the sweaty pupils learn after theyhad played ball games before the supplementary lesson?Those pupils will be hot and more busy wiping their sweat, instead of concentrating on the extra lesson that teachers have spend extra time and effort to prepare, just because of some pupils who are unable to concentrate during lesson time and now have to attend the extra class.
Parents, be gracious. You only have one or few children to handle at home. Sun Tsu said:" the management of many is the same as the management of few." Will you be able to get your message across to your child(ren) if he or she is more busy talking?Then think about getting the message across to 40 pupils at the same time.
Hmm...maybe it is the english. The learning environment is important, but the physical well-being of the pupils in class is equally important. I believe most teachers will not want to conduct lesson after the class just had a PE (physical education) lesson. Agree???
Firstly, the pupils come back to class late. Usually it takes the 40 pupils sometime to walk back to class. They tend to stop by the water cooler or toilet to get a drink or cool off.
Secondly, the pupils tends to be sweaty and usually uncomfortable in the PE attire and take one period to settle down after being energise by all the physical ativities.
Thirdly, can you imagine the smell from 40 sweaty pupils???? All the talk about good learning environment is bullshit, the smell in the air is already not good. How can the pupils concentrate, when the teacher is also distracted by the smell?????