Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
The Big 30s in 2 years Time
Colleagues getting married and friends also getting married.
Friend's son celebrating 1st birthday and my own son celebrating his in few months time.
And in few years' time, I will hit the big 30, half way through my life and if GOD is willing, I may live another few more years and pass 80, I realised that I have not achieved much in life. People say that time really flies for a guy and he matures when he pas 30.(By the way, ladies, actually guys never grow up and mature, I still hide in my little corner to play pc games. LOL)
Check myself in the mirror. Visually no receding hair, it is a big worry to lose hair on the top, but suspect the forehead getting higher. ARGH! No primples, prew, it can be quite a nusiance during the teenage years. Wrinkles starting to form, ARGHH.....!!!!!!! (anyone out there wants to sponsor some SK2, but willing to set for Olay Total Effect???) Sigh! Think cannot save the $20 anymore, must get Olay Total Effect tomorrow!!!
Next Stop THE TUMMY!!!! Hate it sia!!! What used to be 6 has united to form 1!!!! :) LOL Honestly, I eat only 2 meals a day: "branch" and dinner and have lost weight (4kg) since I stop training. Actually, I feel the slimming centres are scam to cheat money. The truth is fats actually are very light in weight, muscles are heavier. So when they say to lose weight you have to exercise, you are losing fats to gain muscles, hence, there is weight gain. And in the slimming centres, the "consultants" will weight the customers before and after to show the customer that weight loss actually take place. But what the customers dun know is during the seesions, the "consultants" will "cook" the customers. They use a hot branket and cause the customers to sweat like a pig. Hence, the weight loss is actually the water loss in the body, which is easily regain by just drinking a glass of water after leaving the centre.
Fortunately, I still look young, people still thought I still studying (Heehee, I also tell people I am 18. LOL :P) I am in the business of creative thinking, so got to feel the energy and release the energy to think out of the box and break through convention thinking. I try to show and relfect that by my dressing in school, of course, school has its boundaries, which sometimes is silly, I am supposed to look profession. I supposed my professionalism is affected by not wearing a tie or wearing polo T-shirts or wearing sneakers, instead of leather shoes to teach in front of the pupils. It does not make sense that I wear a black and white suit in a business of creative thinking, right? Just as the funeral palour manager dun wear bright red and colours to a funeral?
Y talk about appearance? I think appearance is important. Being well-groomed gives the person alot more confidences. Even though we talk about when we look for life partner and say that appearance is not important and the crap that character is more important, actually it is the first impression (appearance) that makes us want to go out the second time, third time and fourth time.
I want to be.....forever young. I want to be .......forever young. :)
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Submit To The Authorities
Being reading this book" GOD and Ancient Chinese" during the holiday alone at home. I started on this book last year but was unable to finish. The book compares ancient Chinese (Confucius and "wu jing shi shu") with the Bible writings and through the book they attempt to bridge the
reality that the GOD (Shangdi in the book) whom the Chinese worship is also the Christian GOD, so Christ is not a western concept, but something also very close to the Chinese. Basically, it is good reading material for new Chinese Christians.
Just want to blog about authority.
1LET EVERY person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God's appointment.(A)
2Therefore he who resists and sets himself up against the authorities resists what God has appointed and arranged [in divine order]. And those who resist will bring down judgment upon themselves [receiving the penalty due them].
3For civil authorities are not a terror to [people of] good conduct, but to [those of] bad behavior. Would you have no dread of him who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval and commendation.
4For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, [you should dread him and] be afraid, for he does not bear and wear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant to execute His wrath (punishment, vengeance) on the wrongdoer.
-Romans 13:1 - 4
So our bosses are the also people, whom GOD has placed over us ,just as our Government and our pastors and cell group leaders. It does not matter whether they are Christians, for it is the will of the Father that they have authority (sword is the symbol of authority) over us and they are accountable to GOD. So if they treat us unjustly, then let GOD punish him or her, but on our part, we are to submit. Just as we work for man, we are actually working on to the LORD. So go and serve with joy.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Is Education on the right track? Or into a wall?
Overheard (actually from a friend)
Teacher A released exam papers to the pupils and has gone through the answers, there was no feedback from any pupils that there is marking errors. However, the next day, pupil B came running to her that there is a mistake in the marking, saying that the teacher has missed out marking the answer. When Teacher A look at the question, beside the original cross was the model answer prefectly written neatly. Teacher A took the paper to the marker (in case, you do not know, sometimes the marker of the paper can be a teacher of another class.) The marker said that he cannot have missed the answer as there is no other feedback in marking error. Hence, pupil B was denied 2 marks. (In this situation, I will also suspect that either the pupil or the parents wrote the model answer.)
The next day, the parents of pupil B complained to the principle. Worse, instead of investigating the case, the principle gave the pupil 2 marks and repremanded Teacher A that she should not doubt the pupil.
As educators, what are we trying to teach in this situation?
a) Parents are always right?????
b) Pupils are always right?????
c) Teachers are always wrong??????
d) What happens if the principle rejects the complain and the parents goes to M.O.E.?
Disappointed? Yes. What kind of messenge are we educators trying to bring across? Pupil will learn that she can get away with anything as long as the parents complain. Worse, the principle din even investigate with Teacher A and marker before giving the 2 marks. Sad for the teachers, because principle scared of parents. (During my youthful days, I would have told to the principle to go fly kite and I will quit right there because I have no respect and will not work for a person with shit character.)
During the army days, we are taught to also earn the respect of our men because in time war, we depend on them to fight and the men have to trust us with their life. Leaders, they dun like, may get shot by friendly fire. Do we have the kind of leaders in the school that we are willing to go all the way for? and will fight for us (with us) in difficult times? We can only let the future reveal to us the kind of people we have educated today, for good or bad, only our Father in heaven knows.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Singapore political apathy
Taken from the TODAY papers
Singaporeans are infamous for their political apathy and indifference - why would any individual take the risk of censure, if not more, to be outspoken on issues that might be viewed as offensive to the establishment? Singaporeans read between the lines in the local press and take their cues accordingly - those who do not pay the price. It is a matter of survival.
-Margaret Louis, on Dharmendra Yadav's assertion that voters must take on the burden of checking the Government where the media does not.
I think so. Young Singaporeans (friends around myself and the students that I work with) are usually not concerned about politics and may not even know who is their ministers and maybe not even the MP who represent them from their district. They are more concerned about their pop idols, income, fashion, holiday and having fun.
How can we be a democratic country when the citizens do not know who they have voted to represent them in the Parliament?The newspaper talked about the media checking the Government, isn't it also the responsiblity of the citizens to check the Government? I happen to know the MP of my district, but for all the years that I have lived here (3 years to be exact), I have never seen him around my area. Wonder what he is doing?
Monday, November 14, 2005
Finish First Book This Year *prew
Just finished my first book " Sun Tzu's Art of War for managers" this year. I have being reading it in seperate occasions and manage to finish it today. The content is good and interesting with many examples and cases related to the sayings of Sun Tzu. But time is not a commodity that I have in large volume, so I only finish it late in the year. Reading a book is just reading a book, just a skill, but to be able to apply and use the content, that is art at the highest level.
Blogging in Singapore and US
Read an interesting article in the "TODAY" papers about the students blogging about school and the different treatment they received.
In Singapore
Boy blog about school.( Must be something negative) School punish student and force student to remove the blog.
Pupil blog about school (must be something negative) School punish pupil and force pupil to remove blog. Pupil sue school in a civil case on infringement of freedom of speach and awarded by court US$117,000.
My views? In order to create a creative environment, people need more space to throw ideas out and critics things and situation, in order for things to improve. If people get hammered down everytime, then creative(thinking) people are forced to conform. Edward de Bono suggests that creative people tend to question things and situation around to break it down before creating something new.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Love Turmoil
Wow! What a week for love. Our local singer announced break up with boyfriend because she is more successful in her career than him.
Read a blogger friend's blog and found her counselling her friend going through seperation and below is my comments on her blog:" My friend, I will pray that GOD will work between both party for the marriage to work because divorce is not permitted by GOD. There can be many reasons for the breakdown, pray that GOD will reveal to them and start the healing process if there is past hurt. Ask for forgiveness in Christ because if GOD can forgive me by sending HIS SON to die on the Cross, I can forgive others. AMEN."
Heard from another friend(A) that her friend(B) was involved with a married man and got found out by the wife, because man did not clear the sent items outbox.
So WHAT IS LOVE? Another friend asked me. GOD is love. GOD loved the world that HE gave his only BEGOTTEN son.... Because GOD love the world, He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for the redemption of sin so that we can receive eternal life. And many times in the bible, it talked about GOD's steadfast love for His people.
1 Chronicles 17:13I will be his father, and he shall be My son; and I will not take My mercy and steadfast love away from him, as I took it from him [King Saul] who was before you
Nehemiah 9:17They refused to obey, nor were they mindful of Your wonders and miracles which You did among them; but they stiffened their necks and in their rebellion appointed a captain, that they might return to their bondage [in Egypt]. But You are a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great steadfast love; and You did not forsake them.
Luke 6:32If you [merely] love those who love you, what quality of credit and thanks is that to you? For even the [very] sinners love their lovers (those who love them).
Jude 1:21Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)--[which will bring you] unto life eternal.
In conclusion, it is GOD giving us love that we are able to love someone and we should give GOD our first love. Pray that GOD will work in the above situations because those are earthly love and guard our hearts. I leave you with the verse below.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. ”- 1 John 2:15-16
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Acronymsland in School
I came to this awareness that suddenly it seems that in the school environment, we are using so much acronyms that it seems that a coded way teachers used with each other, like in the military. Here it goes some of the acronyms: EPMS, SEM, LNA, PPR, EASA, EASS, NE to subjects example, F & N, D & T, to the CCAs like NPCC, NCC, and the new NCDCC. Confusing?
Any teacher will know what EPMS stands for and will know how painful it is to get through it as it is a record of what a teacher has done throughout the year, unless a person has mega memory, the rest are actually struggling to recall. Worse, it ask for actual date for the event. Maybe the acronym EPMS can stay, but change the name to Extraordinary Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, no offence to the women community, but the EPMS is like PMS, painful, makes you feel sick and bleed the brain cells to death from all that amount of recall. E for extraordinary as it is not the usual PMS.
Why I blog about this is because even the school is closed, but teachers are still clearing this stuff (EPMS, LNA, PPR, SEM) before holiday actually begins in 18 nov. 13 more days to go. Hurry!!!