Jail or Fine For Bus Fare Cheat
First, I want to say that cheating is wrong, just like cheating in exams. Because i do not want to send out the wrong messenge that i support the fare cheats. As a teacher, what kind of messenge am I sending to my pupils encouraging them to cheat?
However, we should take a step back to consider the situation.
i) The bus operators are saying that they are losing money to the fare cheats. Some articles say $9million a year and other say $9million a month.
ii) Despite the loss, the bus operators declare profits before tax in their annual report.
iii) Due to rising cost, the bus operators have to rise the fare price to cover the cost.
All this are brief extracts from the newspaper. It seems a 'little' confused. Either the papers are lying or the bus operators are lying or both are lying.
Situation 1: (i) & (ii) are true
If (i) is true, then the company accounts should be greatly affected but the bus operators continue to profit. Hence, it shows that the fare is too much. If the fare is fair and reasonable, the number of fare cheats should decrease. However, the bus operators are public-listed companies, they have a duty towards the shareholders to profit so that they can pay out better dividends to the shareholders, resulting in better share prices. So consumers like myself gets ripped off.
Situation 2: (ii) & (iii) are true
I have always disagreed with the bus operators raising fare, because it adds more burden to my pocket. But beside that, I do not see the valid reason why they should raise fare, because rising bus fare could be due to their inefficient usage of resources, leading to wastage. So why should comsumers pay for their incompetency. Bus operators have a social responsibilty to provide value for money transportation and service, just by raising bus fare to maintain their profits is low-down. They could improve their company image by not raising fare, out of good will to the public, and lower their profits.
Situation 3: (i) & (iii) are true
If both are true, then the majority of the consumers are paying for the fare cheats. Of course! It is not fair and with the rising cost, the same majority still paying. Hence, the fare cheats should pay double or triple the fare, rather then contribute to the government coffer. when easylink was to replace translink, it claim to reduce fare cheats, it seems like it is not working. I suggest the system should be changed to a gate-like entrance like the MRT. So bus consumers have to tap their easylink before the gates open to allow the person to board. Hence, in order to tackle the fare cheats, the bus operators should think of improving thier system, instead of taking the easy way out by pushing the blame to the consumers and raising fares.
We have our consumer rights too.