Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Classroom Management

It seems like a fellow blogger is finding difficulty managing his class. It makes me realised that I am not alone in this. I wondered how many teachers out there can amazingly manage the class. I know some really can. I can manage the trainees during NS, but in school(class) it is a different ball game.

But in any case, i advised as follows
"Be encouraged, u r not the only one in this. All other teachers have gone thru this difficult class thing. Your CT is also human and he or she will have gone thru this same learning curve of managing a class.

Management begins from the minute you step into the class. Make sure all pupils stand up first. Let them know that you "mean business", put up a black face if necessary, dun let them greet you till they make sure the floor is clean, tables are straight, uniform neatly tucked in and for your case, they are in their own seat, textbook on the table (so the ones who din bring will remain standing after the greeting) and lastly QUIET. If not achieved you can off the fans, raise the voice slightly but dun scream or shout, they like to make u do that.

Do this every lesson and every class you go even relief classes. Because relief classes can be your future classes so let them know not to mess with you.

Oh yes! Do take time to talk to some of them after school if you do see them around, get to know them, let them know that you care for them and know their background if possible. Sometimes they just lack love and attention.

LAst, yes classroom management does get easier once you are able to set your own set of rules and regulation and style.

So celebrate your successes no matter how small. "


Blogger The Ego One said...

Hi Saw your blog entry on mismanagement. Struck a chord. That is the "beauty" of teachers...

11:35 AM  

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